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Reading:               1033 pages

Hours in meetings: 7 hours

The meetings this week were a Strategy and policy workshop and a meeting of the Regional Transport Committee.

There were some interesting presentations in the workshop. We noted that the Regional Council has a huge amount of data and thought about how it is used, who can use it and who owns the data.

We talked about the need to move from plan making to actually planning.

There was a presentation on Dynamic Adaptive pathways Planning -using the Barcelona subway map as a way of explaining the concept. Basically, we know where we want to go but things change and sometimes we have to take an alternate route. Sometimes the destination is not known e.g. legislation is waiting to be introduced but we can at least start on the journey and make changes at various decision points. Fresh Water planning is an example at the moment.

Other topics included an overview of where Geothermal Systems Planning is at currently. The Rotorua and Tauranga systems are quite different.

We also discussed the Air Sheds: There is one at the Mount and one in Rotorua. Here there is a mix of plans and strategies and documents from Public Health – Toi Te Ora, TCC, Priority One, the Regional Council etc. We asked, “Do they talk to each other?”

The Regional Transport Committee heard about the NZTA proposal to put a wire barrier down the middle of SH2 preventing commuters from moving in and out or Work Road. More to come on that.